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- J. T. Gudmundsson and M. A. Lieberman, A Simple Transformer Model
Applied to a Planar Inductive Plasma Discharge, Technical Report UCB/ERL
M96/3, Electronics Research Laboratory, College of Engineering,
University of California, Berkeley, 1996
- J. T. Gudmundsson, On Smoothing of the I-V Langmuir Probe
Characteristic, Technical Report UCB/ERL M97/38, Electronics Research
Laboratory, College of Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, 1997
- Jón Tómas Guðmundsson, Veikt jónað rafgas: Kennistærðir og notkun,
Technical Report RH-23-99, Science Institute, University of Iceland, 1999 (in icelandic)
- Jón Tómas Guðmundsson, Cross Sections and Rate Coefficients
for Collisions of Electrons with Atomic and Molecular Fluorine,
Technical Report RH-25-99, Science Institute, University of Iceland, 1999
- Jón Tómas Guðmundsson, Af smækkandi smárum,
Technical Report RH-10-2000, Science Institute, University of Iceland, 1999 (in icelandic)
- Einar Guðfinnsson and Jón Tómas Guðmundsson, Effects of the electron
energy distribution on the plasma chemistry in argon: A time dependent global
(volume averaged) model study,
Technical Report RH-22-2000, Science Institute, University of Iceland, 2000
- Friðrik Magnus and Jón Tómas Guðmundsson, Digital smoothing of the
Langmuir probe characteristic,
Technical Report RH-20-2002, Science Institute, University of Iceland, 2002
- Jón Tómas Guðmundsson, Notes on the electron excitation rate coefficients
for argon and oxygen discharge,
Technical Report RH-21-2002, Science Institute, University of Iceland, 2002
- J. T. Gudmundsson and M. A. Lieberman, Recombination rate coefficients in oxygen discharges,
Technical Report RH-16-2004, Science Institute, University of Iceland, 2004
- J. T. Gudmundsson, A critical review of the reaction set for a low pressure
oxygen processing discharge,
Technical Report RH-17-2004, Science Institute, University of Iceland, 2004
- M. A. Lieberman, A. J. Lichtenberg, Sungjin Kim and J. T. Gudmundsson,
Ignition conditions for peripherical plasma in a grounded chamber
connected to a dual frequency capacitive discharge,
Technical Report UCB/ERL M05/10, Electronics Research Laboratory, College of
Engineering, University of Califonia, Berkeley CA, 2005
- J. T. Gudmundsson, Electron excitation rate coefficients for the nitrogen discharge,
Technical Report RH-09-2005, Science Institute, University of Iceland, 2005
- Eythor Gisli Thorsteinsson, Aron Thor Hjartarson and Jon Tomas
Gudmundsson, A critical review of the reaction set for a low pressure chlorine processing discharge, Technical Report RH-16-2008, Science Institute, University of Iceland, 2008
- Eythor Gisli Thorsteinsson, Aron Thor Hjartarson and Jon Tomas
Gudmundsson, The rate coefficients for the collisional energy loss of
the chlorine discharge, Technical Report RH-17-2008, Science Institute, University of Iceland, 2008
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