Plasma chemistry
Studies on plasma chemistry and power transfer mechanisms. This involves using global model studies of the pasma chemistry and particle-in-cell Monte Carlo collision simulations to explore electron kinetics.
A volume averaged (global) model is used to investigate the plasma chemistry in
low pressure high density processing plasmas.
The main emphasis has been on investigating the oxygen discharge.
The oxygen discharge is of vital importance in various materials processing
applications such as ashing of photoresist, etching of polymer films and
oxidation and deposition of thin film oxides. The oxygen chemistry is rather
involved, in particular due to the presence of metastable molecular
More recently we have modelled the chlorine and nitrogen discharges and their mixtures with argon and oxygen.
We have are currently applying particle-in-cell Monte Carlo collision simulations to
explore the electron power absorption mechansims in capacitively coupled discharges. In
particular we have been exploring the role of the singlet metastable molecules
of the oxygen discharge. It turns out that detachment processes involving the
singlet metastables have a significant influence on the electron power absorption
meachanisms in these discharges. We are extending these sudies to other chemistries and different driving waveforms.
1. On the plasma parameters of a planar inductive oxygen discharge, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 33 (June 2000) 1323-1331, (article)
2. A reply to a comment on: `On the plasma parameters of a planar
inductive oxygen discharge', J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 33 (November 2000)
3010-3012, (article)
3 The ion energy distribution in a planar inductive oxygen discharge, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 32 (April 1999) 798-803 , (article)
4. Experimental studies of O2/Ar plasma in a planar inductive discharge, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 8 (February 1999) 22-30, (article)
5. Electronegativity of low-pressure high-density oxygen discharges, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 34 (7 April 2001) 1100-1109, (article)
6. On the effect of the electron energy distribution on the plasma
parameters of an argon discharge: a global (volume-averaged) model
study, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 10 (February 2001) 76-81, (article)
7. Global model of plasma chemistry in a low-pressure O2/F2 discharge, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 35 (21 February 2002) 328-341, (article)
8. Recombination and detachment in oxygen discharges: the role of
metastable oxygen molecules, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 37 (August 2004)
2073-2081, (article)
9. Improved volume-averaged model for steady and pulsed-power
electronegative discharges, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A
24 (2006) 2025-2040, (article)
10. Oxygen discharges diluted with argon: dissociation processes, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 16, (May 2007) 399 - 412, (article)
11. On the role of argon reactions in a low pressure Ar/O2 discharge,
Proceedings of the XXVIII International Conference on Phenomena in
Ionized Gases July 15-20, 2007, Prague, Czech Republic, p. 79 - 82, (article)
11. A global (volume averaged) model of a nitrogen discharge: I. Steady
state, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 18, (November 2009) 045001
12. A global (volume averaged) model of a nitrogen discharge: II.
Pulsed power modulation, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 18, (November
2009) 045002
13. A global (volume averaged) model of a chlorine discharge, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 19, (February
2010) 015001
14. A global (volume averaged) model of a Cl2/Ar discharge: I.
Continuous power, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 43, (24 March 2010) 115201 (article)
15. A global (volume averaged) model of a Cl2/Ar discharge: II. Pulsed
power modulation, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 43, (24 March 2010) 115202 (article)
16. The low pressure Cl2/O2 discharge and the role of ClO, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 19, (October 2010) 055008 (article)
17. Low pressure hydrogen discharges diluted with argon explored using a
global model, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 19, (December 2010) 065008 (article)
18. The influence of the electron energy distribution on the low pressure
chlorine discharge, Vacuum, 86, (February 2012), 808-812 (article)
19. A benchmark study of a capacitively coupled oxygen discharge of the oopd1
particle-in-cell Monte Carlo code, Plasma Sources Science and Technology 22(3)
(2013) 035011 (article)
20. A particle-in-cell/Monte Carlo simulation of a capacitively coupled
chlorine discharge, Plasma Sources Science and Technology 22(5) (2013)
21. A current driven capacitively coupled chlorine discharge, Plasma Sources
Science and Technology
23(2) (2014) 025015
22. Ion Energy and Angular Distributions in a Dual-frequency Capacitively
Coupled Chlorine Discharge, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 42(10) (2014) 2854 - 2855
23. Dual frequency capacitively coupled chlorine discharge, Plasma Sources
Science and Technology 24(1) (2015) 015003 (article)
24. On the role of metastables in capacitively coupled oxygen discharges, Plasma Sources
Science and Technology 24(3) (2015) 035016 (article)
25.On the formation and annihilation of the singlet molecular metastables in an oxygen discharge, Journal of Physics D; Applied Physics
48(32) (2015) 325202 (article)
26. The role of the metastable O2(b) and energy-dependent secondary electron emission yields in capacitively coupled oxygen discharges, Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 25(5) (2016) 055002 (article)
27. On the role of metastable states in low pressure oxygen discharges, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1811 (2017) 120001 (article)
28. On singlet metastable states, ion flux and ion energy in single and double frequency capacitively coupled oxygen discharges, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 50(17) (2017) 175201 (article)
29. On electron heating in a low pressure capacitively coupled oxygen discharge, Journal of Applied Physics, 122(19) (2017) 193302 (article)
30. The frequency dependence of the discharge properties in a capacitively coupled oxygen discharge, Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 27(2) (2018) 025009 (article)
31. The role of surface quenching of the singlet delta molecule in a capacitively coupled oxygen discharge, Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 27(7) (2018) 074002 (article)
32. The influence of secondary electron emission and electron reflection on a capacitively coupled oxygen discharge, Atoms, 6(4) (2018) 65 (article)
33. Electron heating mode transitions in a low pressure capacitively coupled oxygen discharge, Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 28(4) (2019) 045012 (article)
34. Tailored voltage waveform applied to a capacitively coupled chlorine discharge, Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 29(8) (2020) 084004 (article)
35. Electron power absorption dynamics in a low pressure radio frequency driven capacitively coupled discharge in oxygen, Journal of Applied Physics, 128(11) (2020) 113302 (article)
Technical reports:
1. Notes on the electron excitation rate coefficients for argon and oxygen discharge, Technical Report RH-21-2002 (report)
1. Notes on the electron excitation rate coefficients for argon and oxygen discharge, Technical Report RH-21-2002 (report)
2. Recombination rate coefficients in oxygen discharges, Technical Report RH-16-2004 (report)
3. A critical review of the reaction set for a low pressure oxygen processing discharge, Technical Report RH-17-2004 (report)
1. Electron excitation rate coefficients for the nitrogen discharge, Technical Report RH-09-2005 (report)
1. Cross Sections and Rate Coefficients for Collisions of Electrons
with Atomic and Molecular Fluorine, Technical Report RH-25-99 (report)
1. A critical review of the reaction set for a low pressure chlorine
processing discharge,
Technical Report RH-16-2008 (report)
2. The rate coefficients for the collisional energy loss of the chlorine discharge,
Technical Report RH-17-2008 (report)
Recombination and detachment in oxygen discharges: The role of metastables,
A seminar given at the Lam Research Corporation,
Fremont, California, November 1., 2004
A global (volume averaged) model
of a chlorine discharge,
62nd Gaseous Electronics Conference,
Saratoga Springs, New York,
October 21., 2009
A global (volume averaged) model
of a chlorine discharge,
56th American Vacuum Society Symposium & Exhibition,
San Jose, California, November 9 - 13., 2009
A global (volume averaged) model
of a chlorine discharge: Dilution with argon and oxygen,
18th International Vacuum Congress,
Beijing, China, August 23 - 27., 2010
A global (volume averaged) model
of a chlorine discharge: Dilution with argon and oxygen,
International Workshop on Plasma Science and Applications 2010,
Xiamen, China, October 25 - 26., 2010
particle-in-cell/Monte Carlo simulation
of a capacitively coupled chlorine discharge,
66th Gaseous Electronics Conference,
Princeton, New Jersey,
October 3., 2013
Plasma Chemistry and Kinetics in Low Pressure
12o. Encontro Brasileiro de FÃsica de Plasmas, Brasilia,
Brazil, December 3, 2013 (invited)
particle-in-cell/Monte Carlo simulation
of a capacitively coupled chlorine discharge,
41st IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science,
Washington, D.C., May 28, 2014
particle-in-cell/Monte Carlo simulation
of a capacitively coupled chlorine discharge,
14th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering,
Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany,
September 18., 2014
Particle-in-cell Monte Carlo collision simulation of a capacitively coupled
discharge in oxygen,
67th Gaseous Electronics Conference,
Raleigh, North Carolina,
November 4., 2014
Plasma Chemistry and Kinetics in Low Pressure
Laboratoire de Physique des Gaz et Plasmas - LPGP, Universite Paris-Sud,
91405 Orsay Cedex, France, May 4, 2015
The role of the singlet metastables in capacitively coupled oxygen discharges,
68th Gaseous Electronics Conference,
Honolulu, Hawaii, October 15., 2015
Plasma Chemistry and Kinetics in Low Pressure Discharges: The significance of metastable states,
Department of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (IFM), Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden,
January 21, 2016
Plasma Chemistry and Kinetics in Low Pressure Oxygen Discharges: The significance of metastable states,
Laboratoire de Physique et Technologie des Plasmas, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau,
France, March 31, 2016
Plasma Chemistry and Kinetics in Low Pressure Discharges: The significance of metastable states,
19th International Conference on Atomic Processes in Plasmas, Paris,
France, April 6, 2016 (invited)
On the role of metastables in capacitively coupled oxygen discharges,
43rd IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Banff, Alberta, Canada, June 22., 2016
the role of metastables in capacitively coupled oxygen discharges,
20th International Vacuum Congress, Busan, Korea, August 26., 2016
Plasma Chemistry and Kinetics in Low Pressure Oxygen Discharges:
The significance of metastable states,
Workshop on Oxygen Plasma Kinetics, Reykjavík, Iceland, September 19, 2016
On the
Significance of Metastable States in Low Pressure Capacitively Coupled
Oxygen Discharge,
69th Gaseous Electronics Conference, Bochum, Germany, October 14, 2016
The role of the singlet metastables in capacitively coupled oxygen discharges,
63rd AVS International Symposium and Exhibition, Nashville, Tennessee, November 10. 2016
The effect of singlet metastable states on the ion energy distribution in
capacitively coupled oxygen discharges,
23rd International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Montreal, Quebec, Canada,
August 3., 2017
Electron heating in electronegative capacitively coupled discharge of complex chemistry,
45th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS 2018), Denver, Colorado, June 25., 2018
Electron heating in electronegative capacitively coupled discharge of complex chemistry,
29th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases (SPIG 2018), Belgrade, Serbia, August 28 - September 1, 2018 (invited)
Electron heating in electronegative capacitively coupled discharge of complex chemistry,
71st Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Portland, Oregon, November 8, 2018 (invited)
Electron heating mode transitions in a capacitively coupled oxygen discharge,
46th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS 2019),
Orlando, Florida
, June 24., 2019
On electron heating mode transition in low pressure capacitively coupled oxygen discharge,
XXXIV International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (XXXIV
ICPIG) and the 10th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas (ICRP-10),
Sapporo, Japan, July 17., 2019
On the influence of surface quenching, electron emission and surface recombination on discharge properties,
73rd Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Virtual Conference, October 5, 2020 (invited)
Electron power absorption in low pressure capacitively coupled discharges of complex chemistry,
47th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS 2020),
Virtual Conference, December 7, 2020
Current driven dual-frequency capacitively coupled discharge in chlorine,
The XXII Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases (ESCAMPIG),
Greifswald, Germany, July 15. - 19. 2014
A global model study of oxygen discharges -- formation and annihilation of the single
t molecular metastables and influence of the electron energy distribution function and wall material,
68th Gaseous Electronics Conference,
Honolulu, Hawaii, October 12 - 16., 2015
The effect of pressure and driving frequency on electron heating in a capacitively coupled oxygen discharge,
70th Gaseous Electronics Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, November 7, 2017
The influence of the electrode surfaces on the electron heating in capacitively coupled oxygen discharge,
24th Europhysics Sectional Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases (ESC
AMPIG XXIV), Glasgow, Scotland, July 17 - 21., 2018
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